There is a set routine you need to follow before starting a vehicle’s engine. Before starting the car, you must make sure it is safe to do so first. Starting a car without following the steps outlined below could endanger the occupants of your vehicle and other road users around you.

Step 1: Check that the handbrake is applied

Before starting the car, you must ensure the vehicle’s handbrake or parking brake is applied. If it’s a vehicle with a lever style handbrake, ensure that it is in the upright position. If the vehicle’s handbrake is operated using a button, ensure the parking brake signal is on. The parking brake button has the letter ‘P’ surrounded by a circle on it.

The parking brake is active when the letter P and the circle around it are both green in colour. The parking brake is inactive when the letter ‘P’ and the circle around it are red or neutral in colour.

It is important to make sure the handbrake is applied before starting the car, as this will stop the vehicle from lurching forward if the vehicle is in gear.

Step 2: Check the gearstick is in neutral (On older vehicles)

On older vehicles, it is important to check that the gearstick is in neutral before starting the vehicle’s engine. Starting the car while it’s in gear, could cause it to lurch forward, which could endanger other road users around you.

Step 3: Ensure your left hand is on the steering wheel

Always ensure your left hand is on the steering wheel when turning the key in the ignition, or pushing the vehicle’s start button. Doing so will help you maintain control of the vehicle should it move forward without warning.

Step 4: Press the clutch pedal down completely

On newer manual vehicles, you might have to clutch down when starting the engine. Clutching down acts as a safety mechanism when starting the car, as the clutch plates, which prevents power flowing from the vehicle’s engine to its gearbox and wheels.

Step 5: Turn the key in the ignition / push the start button

The final step in the process is to turn the key in the ignition or push the start button if your vehicle uses a push to start mechanism. If the steps above are completed correctly, the car should start, without the vehicle lurching forward or the engine cutting out unexpectedly.

By Asobasi Daniel



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